Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Day of Blogging

I figured that once Mike has a website of ours up and running, that a blog would be a fun way to allow our friends/family access to see what is going on in our life/wedding planning.

Mike and myself (Melissa) were engaged last August (Aug. 29th, 2009 to be exact), but we have been together since June 18th, 2008. We are currently planning a wedding for October 12th, 2012... Mike wanted it to be the day the world will end (Dec 21st, 2012), BUT I refuse AND it IS a day in the MIDDLE of the week (we've picked to get married on a Friday)... not to mention it would be incredibly cold!

So, a nice beginning of fall wedding it will be. Our colors are chocolate brown & pink. And so far that is all we have.

We're going to be looking at a place that was featured on "Whose Wedding is it Anyway?" this month and if Mike and myself approve of the venue, then we will go back with our families to book the event. With this venue, whatever the price is at the time of booking, is the price you pay... so if the price goes up in the next two years, we wont have to worry about it. In the end it would save us some money. Which, let's face it... now a days that is what everyone is aiming to do.

Why is our wedding so far away? Well I do not graduate from my nursing program til this winter (December) and we want to make sure that most, if not all, of our school bills are paid and we have some sort of single family home or townhome before we marry. We felt that the fall of 2012 would give us enough time to do everything without rushing, and give me the cooler weather without freezing that I want.

So... this is our "intro" for our blog. Hope our family & friends & whomever stumble upon us enjoy everything. I will update this from time to time, and I am not sure if Mike will get into this. I will update about our life and our wedding... so check back soon!

Much Love ♥

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